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Dr Christine Lessard-Lloyd has been a Physical Therapist for 20 years. She was the Supervisor of Outpatient Rehab for the past 10 years and lead PT for the Dance Medicine Program for a local healthcare system. Her passion for dance and physical therapy has driven her to own her own local practice, Dance Medicine. She has more than 30 years of dance experience and is a former Miami Dolphins Cheerleader. She is certified in Progressing Ballet Technique, KT taping, NeuroTour Backstage Injury Prevention, and Harkness Center for Dance Injuries. She has been a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science since 2008. Her passion is educating dancers on injury prevention, promoting proper stretching and dance specific strengthening. She has worked with dancers from Miami City Ballet, Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders, The Ailey School, Juilliard, San Francisco Ballet and professional ballroom dancers including US and World Ballroom Champions. She is the exclusive PT for New World School of the Arts highschool and college dance program. She also teaches dance conditioning classes and seminars for local competitive studios, pre-professional and professional companies.  “As a PT who is also a dancer, I have the advantage of understanding the physical demand on the body and how to condition dancers by finding the balance between flexibility and stability to minimize the risk of injury.”


Christine L Lloyd, DPT


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